Island-wide Coordination & Collaboration
Increase communication between town policy makers, non-profits, and the business community for idea sharing, data and information gathering.
Continue coordination of MDI Housing Solutions Summit initiatives and planning for next summit.
Structure and facilitate professional peer working groups to develop additional solutions, such as:
Builders Working Group
Financiers Working Group
Realtor’s Working Group
Non-profit Working Group
Work with island-wide and regional groups like the League of Towns to make sure housing is on the agenda and to discuss how towns can learn from each other, coordinate, and be proactive.
Schedule two meetings in the next year that bring together representatives from town comprehensive plans to compare notes on housing goals, objectives, and strategies; review State of Maine mandated policies.
Work with planning and code experts and staff to analyze zoning and housing policies. Compile and communicate zoning and policy strategy tools for incentivizing new housing types.
Facilitate periodic code workshops to help coordinate improvements to ordinances.
Create a buildable land inventory and development suitability study using Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
Develop an island-wide needs assessment to quantify the housing needs for the island as a whole.